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Imagine your car being like a super-smart phone on wheels! That’s what’s happening in the auto industry thanks to the technology revolution. Cars are getting packed with all sorts of exciting features that make driving safer, easier, and even cheaper.

Of course, with all this amazing tech comes a new challenge: keeping our cars safe from hackers. Just like your phone or computer, cars can be vulnerable to cyberattacks. That’s why the market for automotive cybersecurity is booming, expected to reach over $6 billion by 2029! Basically, the more connected our cars get, the more important it is to make sure they’re protected.

But what exactly is automotive cybersecurity? Let’s explore.

Software and applications now control critical vehicle functions, from location tracking to braking systems. While enhancing convenience, this connectivity introduces vulnerabilities to external attacks. Therefore, automotive cybersecurity emerges as a fundamental requirement, safeguarding drivers and vehicles from potential manipulation through comprehensive protection of electronic components, communication systems, data, software, and algorithms.

Auto Cybersecurity
What is the Growing Threat of Vehicle Attack Surface?
The attack surface of a vehicle refers to all potential entry points or vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. With increased connectivity and complexity in automotive systems, this attack surface is expanding rapidly.

Key Vulnerabilities:

Understanding these vulnerabilities is the first step in safeguarding your vehicle from cyber threats. Stay informed and vigilant.
What are the Vulnerabilities Created by Increased Vehicle Connectivity?
As vehicles communicate with traffic sensors, GPS, and cloud-based services for features like autonomous driving and real-time updates, the risk of cyberattacks grows.

Key vulnerabilities include:

The potential risks to driver safety and vehicle functionality underscore the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures in modern vehicles.
Why is Automotive Cybersecurity So Important?
When we think of car safety, we often focus on its exterior features designed to protect passengers in a crash. However, there’s an invisible and growing threat: cyber-attacks. Modern vehicles store sensitive data and have interconnected systems that, if compromised, can endanger both safety and functionality. Automotive cybersecurity is crucial for protecting personal data, preventing hackers from taking control of vehicle systems, and avoiding damage to essential functions. As vehicles become more connected, robust cybersecurity measures are vital to ensuring comprehensive safety and security on the road.
How does our team support automotive companies to protect their cars?

Ever wondered how secure your vehicle really is? At People Tech, our cybersecurity team conducts rigorous penetration testing on cars and vehicles in a safe and controlled environment. We gather vital information and provide valuable insights to OEMs, Tier 1, and Tier 2 suppliers, ensuring the highest level of vehicle security.

Our experts, boasting rich backgrounds in autonomous driving telecommunications, networks, and AI, deliver award-winning cybersecurity solutions for the entire vehicle lifecycle.

Ready to take your vehicle’s security to the next level?

Book a demo with People Tech today and see how we can protect your ride from invisible threats!

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