Driven Success with data
Case Study
Driving Success with Data: Achieving High Accuracy and Diversity Goals for Clients through AWS Partnership

Driving Success with Data: Achieving High Accuracy and Diversity Goals for Clients through AWS Partnership

People Tech collaborated with a prominent client to tackle challenges related to Gender Equity, Recruitment Recommendations, and Increasing Diversity in Recruiting. By leveraging the capabilities of AWS, People Tech implemented robust solutions, incorporating data analysis, exploratory data analysis (EDA), and deep learning algorithms. This case study highlights the problems faced by the client, the solutions implemented using AWS services, and the remarkable outcomes achieved through this partnership.


The client encountered obstacles in the domains of Gender Equity, Recruitment Recommendations, and Increasing Diversity in Recruiting. These challenges demanded accurate predictions, pattern recognition, and data-driven insights to drive diversity initiatives, recommend suitable job positions and candidates, and achieve high accuracy in key use cases. The existing processes and datasets proved insufficient, necessitating a data-centric solution.


People Tech, in partnership with AWS, delivered a comprehensive solution to address the client’s challenges:
Gender Equity
Recruitment Recommendation System
Increasing Diversity in Recruiting

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