People Tech accessibility

Enhance user experience for every customer Developing website for everyone with a unique approach Stay compliant to accessibility guideline always All-in one accessibility tool to offer enhanced digital presence

People Tech accessibility

Enhance user experience for every customer Developing website for everyone with a unique approach Stay compliant to accessibility guideline always All-in one accessibility tool to offer enhanced digital presence
Accessibility web overview

Web Accessibility Overview

Web accessibility isn’t just about being more user-friendly but also about meeting the legal requirements appropriately. Therefore, it’s vital for each organization today to meet the web accessibility standards and web accessibility guidelines, as many countries are making it mandatory to enable and provide solace to permanently, temporarily, and conditionally disabled users.

Providing the right web-accessible resources for disabled users shouldn’t be a challenge, as we’ve harnessed disruptive solutions at all stages to help you build the best accessible content for websites and applications, with all the assistive technology. As a result, our solutions make your web content more accessible.

We train your Development & Testing teams, identify the areas of concern, provide free assessment checks with PACT, and remediate code actions suitably. We empathize with you and ethically ensure that you align with the globally recognized accessibility practices and help increase your brand value.

We help organizations large and small navigate their path to digital accessibility

Clients Served

Services We Offer


As proficient consultants, we take the responsibility of adapting your business to WCAG 2.1 accessibility standards adequately and ensuring that your web is accessible to all disabled users.

Our Consulting Services include the following:

Accessibility Consulting

Our Consulting Services include the following:

Accessibility Testing


We are good enough to play around with your website and different applications to develop a consolidated version of comments. We provide a comprehensive report for each page, suggestions per severity, and a VPAT document.

Our Testing Services include the following:

Our Testing Services include the following:

Document Accessibility

We take utmost care to ensure that the documents are accessible by the visually impaired and poor vision users easily, per the document accessibility standards. We confirm that the content, headings, table lists, captions of figures & tables, bookmarks, images, and alt text are not missed out/overlooked in the development process.

Our Document Services include the following:

Accessibility Document

Our Document Services include the following:

Accessibility Assessment


Our team of experts assesses your websites and applications, keeping the disabled and the set of standard guidelines in WCAG 2.1, web accessibility standards 508 in vision, and more. Our team of experts includes visually impaired users with innovative technical abilities, professionals who empathize with disabled users of all types, a color contrast analyzer, and a super-automatic People Tech Accessibility Compliance Tool (PACT) framework.

Our Assessment Services include the following:

Our Assessment Services include the following:


We work closely with your development team and assist them in developing fully inclusive & accessible websites and applications during the development phase. We demo the need for web accessibility principles in today’s scenario, how it adds to the business and why it needs to match the WCAG 2.1 standards. We train you on how to achieve the best web accessibility levels right from the coding level itself. Our expert team remediates the code post our assessment.

Our Remediation Services include the following:

Accessibility Remediation

Our Remediation Services include the following:

Accessibility Staying Complaint

Staying Compliant

We help you stay compliant by understanding your web accessibility requirements. In addition, our QA professionals confirm your development & testing process, legal framework, and end-user documentation compliance with WCAG 2.1 standards to help you know the status and update as recommended.

Our Staying Compliant Services include the following:

Our Staying Compliant Services include the following:

Empowering you with accessibility

Assessment benefits
Assessment benefits

1. Get detailed reports from Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
2. Quickly implement experts' suggestions and save time
3. Know where you stand with WCAG 2.1 rating
4. Make the process cost-effective and legally compatible
5. Achieve the confidence of the end-user by enabling the user to work in any condition
6. Increase in productivity of the disabled user

Remediation benefits
Remediation benefits

1. Gain a thorough understanding of WCAG 2.1 standards
2. Utilize the knowledge gained to work on multiple projects
3. Increase in productivity of the existing workforce
4. Avoid remediation costs spend in future projects and evade legal issues
5. Project accessibility skills of the workforce
6. Achieve the confidence of clients and increase brand image

Staying Compliant
Staying Compliant

1. Maintain WCAG 2.1 standards consistently
2. Sidestep all possible legal concerns
3. Reduce the risk of losing customers and brand image
4. Reduce project spending on digital accessibility
5. Get suggestions from the QA team
6. Be in the good books of clients

PACT- The Best Accessibility product to Increase Your Productivity

Accessibility Browser Extension

Browser Extension

PACT is an accessibility automation testing extension for the chrome browser.

Accessibility Firefox Extension

Firefox Extension

PACT is an accessibility automation testing extension for the Firefox browser.

Accessibility WCAG 2.0

WCAG 2.0

PACT differentiates Level-A, Level-AA, Level-AAA, Section 508 & WCAG success criteria.

Accessibility Easy Reports

Easy Reports

The Extension is user-friendly. Developers, Testers, and People with no knowledge of accessibility can easily use the Extension.

We are committed to consistent user experience

Emilia Clarke
Accessibility Lab
People Tech profoundly understands the accessibility issues faced by disabled users and has set up a dedicated Accessibility Research and Development Lab in Hyderabad, India. Our team of experts invests their innovation, time, and efforts to ensure all types of disabled users can use websites and applications at ease on all devices.
Emilia Clarke
Free Assessment
People Tech is ready to do a free assessment on 2 to 3 pages of your website, be it Landing, log-in, About Us, Contact, or any other pages as you wish, to assess your digital accessibility standards. We run our innovative PACT application to sample the web pages and pull approximately 40% of the accessibility issues instantly. 
Emilia Clarke
Product Evaluation
We use our in-house product, PACT framework, assistive technology, screen reader & keyboard, switch control, and more for accurate product evaluation side W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.0 level AA) BBC Mobile Accessibility Guidelines Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA) EUROPA
Emilia Clarke
User Experience Research
Our research team consists of more differently abled users alongside normal users. They browse various websites and use applications to identify the inconveniencies that hinder accessibility for the disabled and abled. We implement our learnings from UX research in our development and communicate with our clients.
Visit our Accessibility Lab and meet our team to know more.

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