Artificial Intelligence in the
workplace - the stake of
modern workers

Modernizing the modern workspace with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and make digital explosion of unified communication and collaboration tools

Artificial Intelligence in the workplace- the stake of modern workers

Modernizing the Modern Workplace with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and make Digital explosion of unified communication and collaboration tools

We are here to changing the way of work

Modernwork changing the way of work

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, & automation are renovating the workplace’s future. With the blessings of cognitive technologies, the workplace model is being reinvented, pushing organizations to revisit their framework of a modern workplace.

Considering the changing facts in today’s business PeopleTech Group has taken the initiative to bring AI to life. We believe in transforming complex business problems using Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our solutions approach is to dive into your data and apply Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning to the data to create innovative solutions that drive business growth by automating employee manual tasks.

AI brings better business ROI

Our AI & ML based service offerings

People Analytics- HCM performance monitoring

People analytics is an increasingly popular HR practice that uses big data and digital tools to measure, report, and understand employee performance, aspects of workforce planning, talent management, and operational management. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning model, our experts help organizations to build a centralized platform that can monitor employee performance, prepare, and analyze reports and bring efficiency to operational management with automation. 
Modernwork ai/ml People Analytics
modernwork ai/ml Chatbots development

Chatbots development

Chatbots are another AI-enhanced tool that can deal with a high percentage of basic customer service queries, freeing up humans working in call centers to deal with more complex questions. With the excellence of low code development and ML algorithm, we can empower you with chatbots that will make your communication faster with optimum customer satisfaction.

Wearable technology solution

Wearable self-tracking devices are increasingly seen in workplaces. This is the one new feature of automation and Industry 4.0 processes where AI-enhanced automation brings virtual reality functionality using agile manufacturing strategies. Our target is to help workers by automating their hour-based repetitive manual processes. 
modernwork ai/ml Wearable technology solution
Modernwork ai/ml forecasting

Demand forecasting solution 

PeopleTech has introduced Prophecy, an AI/ML-based demand forecasting framework for time series data. The SaaS-based solution automatically creates forecasts for multiple domains, focuses on ease of use, and requires no knowledge of Machine Learning or statistics. The model helps you with 15% more accurate results than the leading competitor. It also helps industry leaders to make more reliable decisions than their competitors. 

AI wears many hats in the modern workplace

Automation in lead generation & the sales department embrace the concept of AI and its growth opportunities.
 Digital marketing has responded well to the increasing use of AI and data science.
The journey towards AI starts from the IT department. It’s a self-managing and self-securing database in the cloud.
Operations & Support
Operations & Support
Now executives believe that AI’s role is critical to success in operational departments.
AI is a crucial for detecting fraud in the financial world. The end goal for fraud detection in the financial world.
Human Resource
Human Resource
The Ai-based software operations help HR personnel browse through resumes and select talents

Why choose People Tech for AI Solution

modernwork ai/ml whychoosepeopletech

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