Empowering Organizations
with Advanced Machine
Learning Capabilities

Tap into the transformative capabilities of machine learning with
People Tech’s Advance Tier Partnership with AWS. Our team delivers
top-notch software that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence
to transform your enterprise

Empowering Organizations
with Advanced Machine
Learning Capabilities

Tap into the transformative capabilities of machine learning with
People Tech’s Advance Tier Partnership with AWS. Our team delivers
top-notch software that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence
to transform your enterprise
People Tech is dedicated to helping enterprises fully harness the benefits of machine learning (ML). Through our partnership with AWS, we create top-notch software utilizing cutting-edge technology and statistical methods, all within our machine learning service. Our commitment to excellence ensures that we employ the finest algorithms and user interfaces, guaranteeing the highest quality for our clients.

With our collaboration with AWS, enterprises can gain deeper insights from their data while simultaneously reducing costs. At every step of the ML adoption journey, we leverage our partnership with AWS to assist with a comprehensive array of artificial intelligence (AI) and ML services, infrastructure, and implementation resources. Their offerings in the field of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning empower organizations to develop highly tailored solutions based on advanced machine learning algorithms.

Moreover, we specialize in seamlessly integrating these algorithms with image and video analytics. Additionally, we stay at the forefront of emerging technologies, such as augmented reality and virtual reality, by leveraging our collaboration with AWS. This allows us to provide the utmost customer satisfaction and help our clients gain a competitive edge over others.

Coe AWS machine Learning Section 2

With our collaboration with AWS, enterprises can gain deeper insights from their data while simultaneously reducing costs. At every step of the ML adoption journey, we leverage our partnership with AWS to assist with a comprehensive array of artificial intelligence (AI) and ML services, infrastructure, and implementation resources. Their offerings in the field of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning empower organizations to develop highly tailored solutions based on advanced machine learning algorithms.

Moreover, we specialize in seamlessly integrating these algorithms with image and video analytics. Additionally, we stay at the forefront of emerging technologies, such as augmented reality and virtual reality, by leveraging our collaboration with AWS. This allows us to provide the utmost customer satisfaction and help our clients gain a competitive edge over others.

We have expertise in


We utilize advanced clustering algorithms to discover patterns and group similar data points together, enabling enterprises to gain insights and make informed decisions based on their datasets.
Coe AWS machine Learning Clustering
Coe AWS machine Learning Time Series

Time Series Forecasting

By employing sophisticated techniques, our time series forecasting models analyze historical data to accurately predict future trends, helping you anticipate market behavior and make proactive business decisions.

Anomaly Detection

Maintaining operational efficiency is crucial, and our anomaly detection algorithms can identify outliers and abnormalities in enterprise data, alerting potential issues and enabling timely intervention.
Coe AWS machine Learning Anomly Detection
Coe AWS machine Learning Recommender Systems

Recommender Systems

With our recommender systems powered by machine learning algorithms, we can provide personalized recommendations to enterprise users, enhancing their experience and boosting customer satisfaction and engagement.

Artificial Neural Networks

Our expertise in artificial neural networks allows us to build powerful models that simulate the human brain, enabling tasks such as image recognition and natural language processing. These models can revolutionize enterprise business processes and open up new possibilities for automation and efficiency.
Coe AWS machine Learning Artificial Neutral Network
Coe AWS machine Learning Managed Services

Digital Signal Processing

We have in-depth knowledge of digital signal processing techniques, enabling us to extract valuable information from signals and enhance their quality for various applications. Whether it’s audio, video, or sensor data, we can help you optimize and interpret signals to derive meaningful insights.

Key Offerings

Coe AWS machine Learning Consulting


Coe AWS machine Learning Solution Design

Solution Design and Implementation

Coe AWS machine Learning Manged Services

Managed Services

Our Artificial Intelligence Models

Coe AWS machine Learning Our artificial intelligence model

Our Machine Learning Projects Lifecycle

Coe AWS machine Learning our machine learning projects

Features of Machine Learning services

Coe AWS machine Learning Feature Of machine learning services

Features of Machine Learning services

Benefits of Machine Learning services

Coe AWS machine Learning Benfits Of Machine Learning

Benefits of Machine Learning services

Why Choose Us?

Meet your industry needs through People Tech AI-ML Data Solution

Our Intelligent data labelling solutions help every industry stay ahead of the ascending AI curve with high-performance data to extend your business.

AI/ML Techniques in Healthcare

Addressing Challenges and Transforming Patient Care

The healthcare industry faces several challenges that hinder efficient and effective patient care. This case study aims to explore how AI/ML techniques can be leveraged to address these challenges and revolutionize healthcare practices.


Improper or incomplete patient history: Lack of comprehensive patient history hampers accurate diagnosis and treatment. The absence of electronic medical records further complicates this issue.

Digitization of existing medical records: Converting paper-based medical records into electronic formats presents its own set of challenges, requiring time and resources.

Redoing tests due to the absence of patient health records:Without a proper history or patient health record system, medical tests may need to be repeated, leading to increased costs and patient inconvenience.

Shortage of healthcare professionals: The scarcity of registered doctors, physicians, and practitioners can overload the healthcare system and reduce the quality of care provided.

Insufficient skilled support staff and technicians: A lack of adequately trained support staff and technicians affects the overall efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare organizations.

Limited diagnostic tests and facilities: The availability of diagnostic tests and facilities may be limited, leading to delays in diagnosis and treatment.

Handling a large volume of patients: The organization’s capacity may be exceeded, resulting in longer wait times and compromised quality of care.

Recommended Framework

To tackle the challenges, the following framework is proposed:

Manned health kiosks: These kiosks act as the primary interface with outpatient (OP) patients, capturing vital signs, basic information, and symptoms.

Central synchronized data repository: A secure repository is established to store and process patient data, enabling the creation of electronic health records (EHRs) for each patient.

Monitored rule engine: An AI model is implemented to ensure optimal performance and periodic review to maintain model accuracy and learning.

Doctor decision support system: A touch screen pad with an intuitive user interface is provided to doctors, offering a consolidated view of patient information and suggesting diagnoses based on symptoms.

Confidentiality, integrity, and availability: The entire system is cloud-based, encrypted, and managed by a single entity to ensure patient data security and system availability.

AI as a Powerful Tool and Partner

Unlocking the power of big data: AI enables the analysis of vast amounts of patient data, providing valuable insights for personalized and targeted treatments.

Supporting evidence-based decision making: AI assists healthcare professionals in making informed decisions by analyzing data and providing evidence-based recommendations.

Coordinating care and fostering communication: AI facilitates seamless communication and collaboration among healthcare providers, ensuring continuity of care and improved patient outcomes.


Patient experience and outcomes: AI technologies enhance patient experience by streamlining processes, reducing waiting times, and personalizing care plans, ultimately leading to better treatment outcomes.

Delivering value and reducing costs: By optimizing workflows and resource allocation, AI helps healthcare organizations deliver value-based care while minimizing costs.

Improving health system performance & optimization: AI-driven analytics and predictive modeling optimize resource allocation, reduce inefficiencies, and enhance overall health system performance.

Human-Machine Partnership in Healthcare

Ensuring patient safety: AI systems should undergo rigorous testing and validation to ensure they do not compromise patient safety or well-being.

Enhancing efficiency and productivity: AI automates routine tasks, enabling healthcare professionals to focus on complex cases and providing more efficient and productive care.

Improving usability: User-centric design principles should be applied to AI systems, making them intuitive and easy to use for healthcare professionals.

Facilitating access to care: AI technologies can bridge the gap in healthcare access by providing remote consultations, telemedicine services, and decentralized care models. Controlling costs: AI-driven optimization helps healthcare organizations identify cost-saving opportunities and manage resources more effectively.

AI-Powered Automation

Several AI technologies are transforming healthcare practices:

Medical robotics: Robotic systems assist in surgical procedures, rehabilitation exercises, and medication administration, enhancing precision and reducing human error.

Machine learning: Supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning algorithms can analyze medical data to identify patterns, predict outcomes, and improve diagnostic accuracy.

Natural language processing (NLP): NLP techniques enable the extraction of relevant information from clinical notes, facilitating faster and more accurate analysis.

AI voice technology:Clinical voice documentation and voice nursing assistants streamline data entry and improve communication between healthcare professionals and patients.


By leveraging AI/ML techniques, the healthcare industry can overcome various challenges, improve patient care, and enhance overall healthcare system performance. The recommended framework, along with AI-powered automation, enables effective human-machine partnership and sets the stage for a transformative healthcare landscape.

Embark on your journey towards intelligent automation and data-driven success, with advanced ML algorithms

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